Getting Started
These videos were originally recorded and uploaded in 2014. However, the content and message of these videos is still relevant today.
We hope you will find them helpful as you begin your learning lifestyle journey.
Please ensure that you watch all the way to Step 3. We consider Step 3 to be the most important video to watch in this series.
Oikos has taken hands with Good Neighbours
Products formerly sold through the Oikos Online Store are now available from the Good Neighbours Bookshop.
We have chosen to take hands with Good Neighbours in order to assist Oikos with the complexities of eCommerce while allowing us to focus more on the support and ministry which is at the core of the Oikos vision.
Helpful NOTE:
Once you have established which book/s you require please be specific when adding the title to the search field in Good Neighbours to be successful in finding what you need.
An example of this would be:
for MATHS; enter in the search field: mathusee delta (this will reveal all books associated with Delta and thereafter you select what you require)
for LLATL; enter in the search field: llatl purple (this will reveal books associated with each level you select. To find which readers accompany each level please look in the description of that book)
for SCIENCE; enter in the search field: dr jay wile science (your search will reveal all Dr Jay Wile science books. Look in the description of the book you have selected to find more details)
or, you can also input ‘mathusee’, or LLATL, or Dr Jay Wile, in the search field and all related products will show.
Learning Language Arts Through Literature (LLATL)
In the above image you can see the order in which this programme goes, however you can also go to the website linked below to see more about LLATL.
To place your order in South Africa please go to Good Neighours
LLATL is a complete language arts program for first grade through high school.
Using an integrated approach to teaching, students learn the skills appropriate for each grade level in the context of quality literature.
These videos are presented in a sequential order to help you see the LLATL books. They also show which readers are used with each level.
By Dr. Jay L. Wile
In the above image you can see the order in which this programme goes, however you can also go to the website linked below to see more about Dr Jay Wile Sciences..
To place your order in South Africa please go to Good Neighbours
Build Critical Thinkers with K-12 Homeschool Science
Acts 17:11 says the Bereans received gospel information with great eagerness and examined the scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. We think that is exactly what education should be. We want to help parents teach their children to become critical thinkers. We want to build continuing generations of Bereans who will seek the truth and build a life-long foundation on those guiding principles.
Videos presented in the sequential order of the Dr Jay Wile Science series, and other helpful videos by Dr Jay Wile.
In the above image you can see the order in which this programme goes, however you can also go to the website linked below to see more about Math-U-See.
To place your order in South Africa please go to Good Neighbours.
The Math-U-See Curriculum is a complete and comprehensive K–12 math curriculum. Each level concentrates on a specific set of skills, while continuously reviewing and integrating topics and concepts presented in previous levels. By using tools such as videos, manipulatives, and other resources, the Math-U-See Curriculum is designed to appeal to all types of learners in a variety of learning environments.
Steve Demme has produced many videos to guide you through the Math-U-See programme.
Further support for your Learning Lifestyle journey.
Bible Studies
Social Studies
Parent Helps
Creative Writing