This video provides an explanation of what Patreon is all about

Patrons have access to the following:

  • eBooks

  • Audiobooks

  • Video Courses

Here are a few examples of the video courses:

  • Special Needs / Autism

  • Top 10 Treasures

  • Words of Wisdom

  • A Learning Lifestyle Series

  • Abundant Life / Cancer Testimony

Additionally Oikos Patrons help with the continued work of the ministry, which helps them, and many more families to be supported in their learning lifestyle at home.

Being a Patron of Oikos is a give/give model - we give……you give

Subscribers of the Oikos Newsletter receive regular support in their learning lifestyle, and news updates from Oikos.

The Oikos YouTube channel has hundreds of videos which include testimonies & tutorials to help you & your family in your learning lifestyle

A podcast covering topics for support in the learning lifestyle which include tips and messages to guide and encourage you