Browse our ever growing selection of audiobooks.
Narrated by James Wood
Videographer and Audiobook Narrator, James has always had a passion for literature.
Born in 1994 in South Africa, he grew up with his mother reading aloud to him and was exposed to audiobooks from a very early age.
He has filmed/edited ±600 videos since 2009 for the Oikos Family Ministries and That Board Game Show YouTube Channels and continues to produce content for them including The Oikos Family Podcast.
When not in the edit suite or vocal booth he enjoys playing designer board games, watching movies, series, and of course, immersing himself in a good book.
Science in the Beginning
Science in the Ancient World
Science in the Scientific Revolution
Science in the Age of Reason
The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook
Minding Your Own Business
Better Late Than Early
Hints on Child Training
Missy: an Autobiography
Missy's Short Stories
Mary Jones & Her Bible
Stories Worth Re-Reading
Tiger and Tom: and Other Stories for Boys
Little Medicine Carrier
Little Daisy and the Swearing Class
Roses and Thorns
Tom White the Postboy
Weed with an Ill Name
The Red Badge of Courage
The Time Machine
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
The Mysterious Island
Written & Narrated by Sonja Wood
Abundant Life
Jesus the Author
Healing Love
A Learning Lifestyle Diary
Letters from Granny Oikos
Narrated by Sonja Wood
Humility: The Beauty of Holiness
Money: Thoughts for God's Stewards
The Master's Indwelling
Jesus Himself
Holy in Christ
Oikos Ministry Messages
The King's Daughter: and Other Stories for Girls
Narrated by Talia Betencourt